Grand Central Atelier: One Month Intensive

Summer Workshops Part II- Grand Central Atelier : One Month Drawing Intensive. Taught by Anthony Baus , Patrick Bynes and Katie Whipple . After a rigorous week in Massachuetts at the Illustration Master Class, I immediately started the month long drawing intensive in the Grand Central Atelier. I think we all have seen the classic example of form rendering; a sphere, some light direction and a cast shadow. Now how do those principles apply when lighting a complicated form, let's say like the eye of Micheangelo’s David? My instructors answers came from a respect of capturing actual form in relation to light, the foundational essence of the Grand Central Atelier core program. My Month Long Cast Drawing. Still could have spend another month refining it. Through week 2. So many optical illusions occur when studying a cast or model. One value can appear the same as another, yet they are on two completely separate light receiving...