Winter Break Update!
When I update this baby, I update it good. Here's the best of my Industrial Design drawings. Spring 2014, here we come! For the Final Project, We had to redesign some computer speakers. I was watching a lot of Twilight Zone when designing these. Been Studying Bridgeman on and off since the summer. I've made it up to the back torso. Below is a political comic about a spanish teacher teaching his student to be partial to Ecuadorian president Raphael Correa, but Correa also means something else in spanish . . . Some Sketches. Some Studies ( Still from Drive) ( Shot from Blogger Cammy . Thanks Cammy!) Learned a lot last semester. Enjoying this break and continuing the push for my final project into reality. New Years Resolution is to continue progress and balance everything I hope to accomplish. Happy 2014 Everybody!