The assignment was to do a self portrait being a famous historical figure for a mock Time magazine cover. I did a sketchy rendering which ended up being the final.
Hello Everyone! Decided to move this Blog on Tumblr. Maybe one day I will return to blogger. Just may be . . . Please Follow. I'm also twitter and instagram . and finally . . . The Website! Always working on new things. Please Follow. Cheers, EjK
A couple of months ago I was assigned to interview a professional illustrator. So I got in contact with Iain McCaig! Here is the interview, typed word for word from a audio recording on my phone interview. Fair note, this is my first formal interview. Ejk: How much do you draw a day? IM: Everyday. No matter what. Sometimes I'm traveling, some times I'm teaching but on an average, in the studio, Monday through Friday a good working day is 10 hours. If I'm in the studio, it's the working schedule. But I draw everyday, no matter what. No matter where I am. I'll make sure I have a pen and a pad and make sure I draw something. If you miss a day, you start to forget things. No one would really notices but you will. And then after a week your audience will notice. I've been sketching since I've been a little kid. Ejk: Has this schedule been instilled since art school? IM: No. I didn't do art until my final year of high school, a...
I went to Mocca Fest and it was great. Honestly not feeling the independent comic circuit as a career for me, but I have to meet this deadline. I look forward to the end of the semester to post more of my illustrations. Going to post an interview I did with Iain McCaig soon. Just building my rafts before Finals surge.
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