
Showing posts from 2013

Oil Paintings!

Hi Folks, Pardon the delay of post. Its been a grueling Fall with my classes, but I've been working on my final project which I will share once it's ready. In the bean time, here are some paintings I did last summer in Max Ginsburg's Painting Workshop in the Arts Students league. I decided his workshop after a recommendation from a good friend, Marc Scheff . Totally love the medium. Below is a 10 minute painting by Max. He demonstrated how he begins a painting. Capturing the gesture and proportion.  And painting large abstracted shapes with the proper values so the planes turn properly.     Below is my latest painting I did of my girlfriend in 2 hrs. I promise to make a more flattering one soon. Lol, She's way prettier.   More to come. 

More Summertime Fun

Still working on the digital painting. Here is a batch of my latest  digital work. Back to the work!

Back from London and Photoshopping

        The London Concept Workshop was a real eye opening experience. Though many of the instructors initially promoted weren't there and the event schedule was a mystery throughout the whole time, it was a great time meeting like minded artists and industry professionals. We were given great insight on how the entertainment business works and how to design for video games, art making processes. But what shook me the most was how much time one must put into his practice as an artist.  ( Here's the Hostel Crew. Me bottom left in green.) ( Best day of the trip.)         I put together a rough portfolio and showed my stuff to all the great instructors there. After the event was over I then showed my work to Jason Manley. After he flipped through the images and asked one thing, "What's holding you back?" What is holding me back? Me of course. But how do I move forward? How do I communicate the visions in my head? ...

Seashell Still Life

Working on the Digital Painting. Going to London tomorrow for the Workshop! :D

An Interview with Iain McCaig

       A couple of months ago I was assigned to interview a professional illustrator. So I got in contact with Iain McCaig! Here is the interview, typed word for word from a audio recording on my phone interview. Fair note, this is my first formal interview. Ejk: How much do you draw a day? IM: Everyday. No matter what. Sometimes I'm traveling, some times I'm teaching but on an average, in the studio, Monday through Friday a good working day is 10 hours. If I'm in the studio, it's the working schedule. But I draw everyday, no matter what. No matter where I am. I'll make sure I have a pen and a pad and make sure I draw something. If you miss a day, you start to forget things. No one would really notices but you will. And then after a week your audience will notice. I've been sketching since I've been a little kid. Ejk: Has this schedule been instilled since art school? IM: No. I didn't do art until my final year of high school, a...

Humbuckin' Harold Poster, Senior Work and Summer Goals

Hello Everybody! Long Time I know. Finally done with classes and . . . Bam! I got a Intous5! Doing some studies and studies and studies this summer to get better. I did this yesterday in about 4 hours. Here are some of Montclair State University Finals work. I did a epic movie poster for my Intro to Cartooning class based from my comic strip, Hum-bucking Harold! And for Illustration III, a  5 page of a Sci-fi comic I've been cooking called: Planet M.  In less than a week I will be going to the London Workshop! :D Very excited to meet people in the entertainment design industry to talk and hang out with the professionals and fresh talent. I can already feel the pre-surge of inspiration.  This summer will be devoted to art. 1. Learning to Digitally Paint. Have you seen that Banana? Doesn't look like it took 4 hours, but it did. I have to catch up with all these ideals I have in my head about composition and d...

No Harold this Week or the Next

Sorry folks! I've been busting my butt, wrapping up Spring semester 2013 at Montclair State. I actually have a good GPA for once and I plan on keeping it! More posts to come by the end of these weeks. I promise. This Saturday I have a vocal recital, a band performance, and both my animations are screening at Arts Guild New Jersey. That's only Saturday! Sunday I work all day and then have to cram some more finals stuff in the evening.  I have Myth and literature on Tuesday then Illustration 3 and Maya II on Wednesday. So Its madness until Wednesday evening. Madness! New announcements and summer goals will be stated as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience.


Brain is Fried. 2 more weeks. O_O


I went to Mocca Fest and it was great.  Honestly not feeling the independent comic circuit as a career for me, but I have to meet this deadline. I look forward to the end of the semester to post more of my illustrations. Going to post an interview I did with Iain McCaig soon. Just building my rafts before Finals surge. 

HumBucking Harold 14

Pancake is still philosophizing art and yes, his grammar is still bad.  Not everybody grew up reading books. Some just bought them to stare at the covers. Like me, forcing my parents to buy Goosebump books; to look at Tim Jacobus's cover illustrations. Another NJ artist. I do read now. Can't you tell?

Demamamo by Buffuffalo!

Hey my good readers, I'm in a band called Buffuffalo! The group consists of me singing and playing guitar and my bud, Lex Condes drumming along. We play Boogie Punk, or a Garage rock sound. Demamamo by Eric Kerke and Lex Condes Check us out! Shows to come and don't worry. I still art.   Here's a video of our first show (2 years ago)!

HumBucking Harold 13

The Return of Abagail. Her furor is in full affect.

Massive Moleskine Update

Sketchbook! Shared it on Crimson Daggers  as HypnoSaur and  as Holy Man No real reason for both alias. Nothing to Hide! :D